4 Ways to Stay In Shape This Summer

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Summer is here! If you’re like us you are feeling lots of mixed emotions. YAY summer, let’s hit the beach and relax… BUT uh oh, that means we may LOSE all the technical gains that were made during the school year. 3 months without dancing is probably not a great idea for most of our dancers!

This month’s blog post is ALL about staying in shape. Join us on our summer fit mission! We want to help our dancers arrive in the fall strong and ready to pick up right where they left off. 

We’ve put together a list of our favorite ways to stay in shape over the summer for both dancers and parents. Don’t forget that we offer a FUN line-up of fitness classes for adults at Positions Dance Studio. 

4 Ways to Stay in Shape this Summer:

1. Take Class at Positions Dance Studio

Now we know we are a little biased, but we couldn’t leave ourselves off the list! Dance is ALWAYS our workout of choice. Most of the time, you get so lost in the music and the fun that you forget you are working out… and that’s the beauty of dance!

For Dancers: We know it might be tempting to take a break this summer after working hard all year. But trust us, coming back to dance in the Fall after 3 months of laying on the couch will NOT be fun! We have put together a great line-up of summer dance classes so you can stay in the studio over the summer. Summer is the perfect time to focus on your skills without the added stress of the school year. You will come back in the Fall stronger than ever instead of out of shape and playing catch-up!

For Parents: When we made our summer schedule we did NOT forget about you guys!!! We are making Positions Dance Studio THE place for adult fitness classes in Babylon this summer! Our schedule is packed with classes for every one of your workout preferences, from zumba, to ballet, to yoga. We’ve got you covered! Come sweat with us!

2. Get Outside

Don’t let this beautiful weather go to waste! It doesn’t come around often here in Babylon! :) Any workout is just 10 times better outside. Ditch the treadmill and take your run outside. Set up your yoga mat in the backyard and do some downward dogs. Spicing up your regular routine with some fresh air will give you that extra motivation you are looking for. 

Getting outside is super important for kids too! And the good part is, they usually love it! We know finding time to work out while also trying to entertain your kids can be difficult. Outdoor scavenger hunts, bike rides, and time at the park are all great ways to get your kids up and moving with you. The fresh air and sunlight will leave you all feeling refreshed and active!

3. Stretch, Stretch, and Oh Yeah, Stretch!

This one is mostly directed at our young dancers on summer break, but parents we are looking at you too! We remind our students of this regularly, but flexibility is a skill that requires consistent attention and leaves your body EXTREMELY quickly. 

For Dancers: If you go the whole summer without touching your toes, we promise your splits will be about a foot higher when you come back in the fall! We know finding the motivation and time to stretch amidst all the summer fun can be difficult. If you’re looking for some constant reminders and a little extra push, sign up for summer classes! At Positions, we will be stretching our splits ALL summer long in class. Will we see you there?

For Parents: Middle splits may not be a priority in this stage of life, but we can assure you that your body will LOVE you if you give it a good stretch every once in a while. Staying in shape is more than just burning calories and building muscles. It’s about making your body feel good. Stretching takes pressure off your joints by lengthening your muscles and giving them more range of movement. Say goodbye to aches and pains this summer and come stretch with us at our Adult Ballet, Adult Yoga, and Adult Barre classes. Check out the schedule here

4. Take Advantage of Pool/Beach Season

This one is our FAVORITE on the list. What better way to work out than at the pool or beach? 

For Dancers: Water ballet anyone?! No, seriously, do a ballet barre in the pool and we PROMISE you will be sore! The water provides extra resistance and will be sure to tone those muscles over the summer. An added bonus, dancing in the pool is great for dancers who are nursing injuries because it lowers your impact on joints. Dance physical therapists always recommend doing some relevés and jumps in the pool first while working back up to dancing! 

For Parents: Who’s in for a jog on the beach? What about a few laps at the pool? Or better yet, go for a jog TO the pool. Diving in is the best reward for a great workout. Make a splash this summer!

Making this list has us feeling SO motivated! So now let’s get to it! Put those phones down and get MOVING. But before you do, register for some classes at Positions to make sure you keep the hustle up ALL summer long. Thank us later! :)

4 Benefits of Summer Dance

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The sun is out and summer is here! We hope you are as excited as we are to finally spend some time outside! Our summer fun list includes yummy barbecues, pool time, and oh yeah, summer dance of COURSE!

At Positions Dance Studio, we think summer dance is super beneficial for our students. We highly recommend it to all of our dance families, from our beginners all the way up to our advanced dancers. Read on to find out 4 benefits of summer dance and learn more about our amazing summer class line-up!

1. Summer is the perfect time to try a new class!

One of the great things about our shortened summer session is that it is a fun, low commitment environment. The 6-week class session serves as a perfect sampler period to try out a new dance genre. If your kid tries a new class and loves it, then you know they are ready for more in the Fall. If not, no harm no foul!

For little ones wanting to try new classes, we recommend our Combo classes. Combo classes combine 2 dance forms to keep up with those short attention spans and also give them a wide variety of introductory dance skills! By the end of the summer session, your little one will likely know which dance style they liked more, or if they really shine in both!

If you need extra help picking a summer class, consider signing up for a FREE trial class! Trial classes are a great way to make sure a class and our studio is a great fit for your family!

2. Summer gives older kids the chance to focus on their skills without the added school-year stress.

During the school-year, our kids have a LOT going on! By the time they get to dance in the evenings, they’ve already had a long day at school, probably attended another extracurricular already, AND they have homework waiting for them at home.

Every summer, we watch our students attend class with greater focus and energy. Because of this, we witness TONS of growth and skill advancement that usually takes a lot longer during the school year.

For advanced students wanting to take their skills up a notch during our summer session, our intensives are sure to bring the hype. Intensives are a chance for kids to focus on their technique in a fast-paced and challenging learning environment. Get ready to sweat and dance the day away!

3. Summer is a great chance to introduce your little one to new activities and classroom environments!

Toddlers and younger kids can sometimes have a hard time adjusting to school and activities. Separation anxiety is common for kids leaving mom or dad for the first time! Our shortened summer session is a FUN way to keep kids in a routine over the summer and practice saying goodbye to mom and dad.  

Our “Dance With Me” (Mommy and Me) classes are perfect for first time dancers looking to work up to a regular class. Packed with fun songs, stories, and play, dancers and parents participate together and learn the dance basics. Join the fun this summer!

4. Summer dancers come back to class in the Fall stronger than ever!

Trust us, when we come back to dance in the Fall, our teachers can definitely tell who attended summer classes! Just like any other sport or activity, taking a 3 month break can hinder a child’s progress and set their skills back. We hate to see our kids make so much progress during the year and then lose it during the summer months! Register for summer classes and watch your dancer soar into the Fall!

We LOVE summer dance at Positions Dance Studio! It’s such a blast and SO good for our kids! Our summer session is sure to fill your kids summer with smiles and fun, as we have put together a packed schedule of the best summer dance classes in Babylon! Read more on our website and register online today!

5 Benefits of Performing

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Positions families! We are SO close! Recital is coming right up and we really think that this could be the best dance recital in Babylon yet! Our dances are starting to look fabulous and the students are beginning to feel the pre-show excitement. We can’t wait!

Aside from all the excitement, we also get a little sentimental around recital time. Our staff at Positions Dance Studio all treasure the memories of their dance recitals growing up. It is SUCH a special time for kids and families. We really value our Spring recital because it gives our students the chance to perform. Performing has SO many benefits for children, so today on the blog we wanted to share our 5 favorites!

Benefits of Performing:

1. Self-Confidence

Once you get on stage, the lights are shining, the music is playing, and the audience is watching. There is NO hiding. Performing is a great tool for teaching kids how to step out of their comfort zone and be confident in themselves.

At our dance recital, we see sparks light up in our kids every year. If they have insecurities, they are forced to leave them behind on recital day in order to shine on stage. Knowing your loved ones are in the audience cheering you on is a great feeling. And strutting off-stage after nailing a 3-minute dance routine is an even greater feeling. Performing builds our kids up and teaches them that they are capable of incredible things.

2. Goal-Setting

We love recital because it gives our kids something big to work towards all year. Everything we teach in class becomes a whole lot more meaningful to them when it means they will look AWESOME on stage. We work on setting goals throughout the school year in class and we love seeing them reach those goals on-stage.

3. Overcoming Fears

Performing teaches kids that they can do anything in life, even when it seems scary. It’s no secret that performing in front of a theater of people can be a little intimidating! All eyes are on YOU, which can stir up nerves and anxiety in many kids. We absolutely LOVE giving pep-talks backstage to nervous dancers before they step out. It is amazing to watch as they work through those emotions and get on stage despite their fears. Performing teaches them to let go, trust themselves, and just GO for it!

4. Teamwork

At Positions Dance Studio, we emphasize the importance of working together when performing and perfecting dance routines. We tell our students that the goal is to look like ONE dancer on stage by dancing perfectly in sync with one another. We use counts, music cues, and breath to help our kids stay together and work as a team. Teamwork is an essential part of life! Performing is a valuable tool for teaching kids to step outside of themselves and into something bigger.

5. Sharing Joy

This one is probably our favorite! Performing (and dance in general!) is FUN! It often lights up joyful feeling in kids. We tell our students that the stage is their chance to share their love of dance with others. When a kid learns that they have the power to entertain an audience or put a smile on someone’s face with their dancing, recital becomes so special. It is important for kids to learn that what they give to the world matters.

Putting together this list has made us even more hyped for the big day. Recital is so much more than just another day at the studio, and we hope this list helps our families see how special it is. Performing is fun, but what our kids gain from it is just priceless!

Tickets for this amazing show are available online now! We can’t wait to see all of our dance families in the audience cheering the dancers on. Be sure to check out our recital page to stay on top of important dates and info! See you at the theater!

Recital Traditions: Etiquette and What to Expect

Recital Traditions: Etiquette and What to Expect

We know it's hard to believe, but our annual dance recital is right around the corner! As we finish and perfect all of our dances, the excitement definitely begins to buzz around the studio. We can’t wait to see all of our kids’ hard work come to life on June 22nd. Performing is a special time for dancers and their families, so today we want to talk about 5 performance traditions.

From theater etiquette to fun show-time rituals, we’ve got you covered on what to expect for the big day!

Etiquette Tips:

1. Give your dancers a round of applause at the end AND during impressive moments!

Most of us know that it’s tradition to give the performers a round of applause at the end of a dance. And take it from us dancers, the LOUDER the better! One of the most rewarding parts of recital weekend is hearing our younger dancers say, “did you hear how loud they clapped for us?!” as they rush off the stage for the first time.

Another great way to show your support is to applaud during impressive moments that you know your dancer has worked hard to achieve. Feel free to clap for long turn sequences, big jumps/lifts, or fabulous solos. It will send their dancing hearts through the roof, we promise!

2. Don’t enter the stage from the theater house. It’s bad theater etiquette!

We don’t blame you if you didn’t know about this one! It’s kind of an unspoken theater rule! We like to keep the theater house (the section with the seats) completely separate from all the backstage buzz. If your dancer has to get backstage, walk around to the backstage entrance. When you're in the house, the stage is off limits!  

3. A beautiful ballet bun and glowing makeup is a recital must-have!

Your dancer will definitely feel the excitement as you take the morning to the get their glitz and glam on. For parents who feel a little lost when it comes to ballet buns (we understand, it is difficult!), here’s an online tutorial to get you started. Be sure to use hairspray for a sleek look that will stay put for the entire performance.

4. No flash photography at the theater.

This one is important not only to keep our audience members free of distractions but also for the safety of our dancers. Believe it or not, when the dancers step on stage they can see almost NOTHING in the house. So when a camera flashes, it can really shock a dancer’s eyes and ruin their focus. We know you want to capture the big moments, but we encourage you to put the cameras down! There is nothing like a live performance from your child! Also, don’t forget you have the option of purchasing a professional DVD keepsake. Lean back and enjoy the show knowing that you can revisit the memories later!

5. Flowers are the classic post-show gift to make your dancer feel loved and supported!

Ask any dancer, there is nothing better than adoring all your beautiful flowers after a big performance. It’s a performance tradition and it gets those warm and fuzzies going! We will have flowers available for purchase in our lobby for your convenience!

6. Don’t forget to say “Break a Leg!”

It’s tradition… dancers DON’T say “good luck.” Hearing these words of support before the big day is a great way to get the excitement brewing. We love making our students feel like they are a part of a dance community with special rituals and long-lasting memories.

Now that you’re officially “in the know” about all of our dancer traditions, it’s time to get ready for the big day! Be sure to read up on all the recital details, dates, and times. Our Photo Days will be happening at the studio on June 5th & 8th. And don’t forget about our Mandatory Dress Rehearsal on June 20th.

We are SO excited to see our dancers on stage.  Tickets are available online now! Our dancers have been working so hard, and we know your support will mean the world to them. See you there!

Sleeping Beauty and Peter and the Wolf

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Hey, Positions families! The studio has been buzzing in preparation for our upcoming performance. This year, our Spring Production includes two stories that are sure to entertain. Our Broadway Bound students are telling the story of Sleeping Beauty reimagined as a Babylon musical. Our Ballet Enrichment students are presenting the classic fairytale of Peter and The Wolf in our annual Spring Ballet.

Our students work hard all year in classes and rehearsals to put together this production. It is so rewarding to see the results of their hard work come together! Our students not only get an opportunity to grow as performers and young artists, but they get to share their love of dance and music with the community. Seeing the smiles in the audience makes all the work worth it!

We are so excited about the show and we wanted to share all the details with our dance families and friends.

Sleeping Beauty is the story we all know and love about Princess Aurora and the evil curse placed on her. She is forced to remain hidden in the woods until her 16th birthday. Lucky for her, true love is able to break the curse. This musical is particularly exciting for those of us who love the original score from Tchaikovsky’s ballet. Fun lyrics have been added to some of the more popular songs. The reimagined version fits so nicely with our lively cast!

Peter and the Wolf is a symphonic fairytale; the narrator tells the story as the orchestra illustrates it. Each character is represented by their own instrument, making this a great introduction to classical music for children! The story follows a young boy, Peter, who explores the meadow outside his grandfather’s home. His adventure proves to be both exciting and dangerous. Come see the show to find out how the story unfolds!

Our dancers have been working so hard on these productions, and we are SO excited to see the show come to life in April. Head over to the Argyle Theater in Babylon Village on April 28th at 2pm to see the magic happen. Break a leg dancers!

Tickets are available for purchase online for only $15. Our kids would love your support!

Sleeping Beauty and Peter and the Wolf
April 28th at 2pm
Argyle Theater in Babylon Village
Tickets $15

Why We LOVE to Dance!

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February has arrived and you know what that means! Hearts, hearts and more hearts. Every year at Positions Dance Studio we host a fundraiser for Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition.  BBCC is a local organization that provides community education and direct support to cancer patients. Each year we sell Pink Hearts during the month of February to raise money for their organization. Our dancers write why they LOVE to dance on the Pink Hearts and we display them in our studio windows. To get your thoughts flowing, here are 4 reasons to LOVE dance.

1. Dance is a tool for self-expression.

Sometimes words just aren’t enough to express how we are feeling. Dance gives us the opportunity to express ourselves in a way that nothing else can. It is SO freeing to move our bodies and portray emotions without having to say a single word.

2. We can spread joy to others through dance.

Putting a smile on an audience member’s face while performing is one of the most rewarding feelings. Dance gives us something to share with others. We can entertain an audience and we can also make them feel powerful emotions just by dancing.

3. It helps you stay physically fit… in the most FUN way possible!

Who doesn’t LOVE getting up on their feet and grooving when they hear their favorite songs. Dancing makes it SO EASY to be active. Your body is having so much fun getting lost in the music that it forgets that it is even tired. Not to mention the strength, endurance, coordination, and flexibility that dancers achieve after years of being in the studio.

4. Dance builds confidence in a way that nothing else can.

Coming to class each day and seeing all the fabulous things our bodies are capable of is truly a gift. Nailing a pirouette or landing a perfect leap reminds us that we have so much potential when we work hard. More importantly, getting up on stage and performing for an audience makes us feel HUGE in a world that can sometimes make us feel very small. When you hear a giant round of applause, and that applause is for YOU, it builds confidence.

Those are just 4 of the MANY reasons why dance is easy to love. Now it’s your turn. Tell us why YOU love to dance by purchasing a Pink Heart for Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition at the front desk for the month of February. BBCC is a great organization and we really enjoy showing support for their cause. We also LOVE seeing our dance families get involved and reading all of the heartwarming reasons why you love to dance. Keep spreading the love, Positions Dance families!

Top 5 Fitness Classes in Babylon, NY

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Happy 2019! We hope you all had an amazing holiday break! It’s a new year and that means a fresh start. If fitness goals are on your list of resolutions this year, this month’s blog post is for you! Whether you are trying to get back in shape after a long fitness hiatus or you're a fitness guru trying to up your game, we’ve got you covered. We put together a list of the top 5 fitness classes in Babylon and we would love to see some of our dance families there!

Barre Fitness at Positions

Interested in achieving a dancer's physique? This class is for you! This ballet-inspired class focuses on using tiny pulsing actions to target and tone specific muscle groups, while helping you stay injury free. We will help you will push yourself and find muscles you didn’t even know existed! During our Barre fitness class, you tone your legs, lift your glutes and strengthen your core. Who doesn’t want that? Check out our schedule online and join us for a free trial class!

Street Beats at Fitness Incentive

Are you someone who wants to be active but doesn’t want to feel like they are working out? Get lost in the dance moves at Fitness Incentive Street Beats class. This class will get you moving and grooving to your favorite radio hits. Beginners are welcome, and it's not about doing the moves just right! It’s about keeping your heart rate up while you let loose and dance it out!

Crossfit Pace Performance

Crossfit Pace Performance is a gym that offers group CrossFit classes ALL day long. This workout is a high-intensity regimen that incorporates weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing and more. It’s all about maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest amount of time. It’s perfect for those of us that want a power-filled, intense workout that will tone and sculpt our bodies. Check out their online schedule and get your lift on!

Tai Chi at Long Island Center for Yoga

This one is perfect for those looking for an all-encompassing workout that lifts your body, mind, and spirit. Tai Chi is not just about physical movement. It focuses on relaxation, breathing, and centering yourself. Classes begin with standing meditation and warm-up exercises that loosen your joints. They also include martial arts movements and weapons for advanced students. This class will make you feel powerful and balanced both physically and emotionally. Check out the Long Island Center for Yoga for more details!

Zumba at Positions

Ditch the workout, join the party! Zumba is a Latin American dance workout that will leave you feeling energized. The high-energy classes are set to upbeat music and feature choreographed dance numbers that you might see in a nightclub. Perfect for those that are looking for a fun, cardio-filled workout. The dance moves will keep your heart rate up for the entire class. Check out our online schedule and come shake it with us!

Tried any of these classes? We would love to know what you think!

Alright, now get up, get going, and get yourself MOVING in 2019. It only takes a couple of classes to get hooked, and accomplishing your fitness goals is SO rewarding. Get your sweat on!

PS. During the month of January we have an AMAZING deal for fitness classes at Positions Dance Studio: Purchase a class card and get the second half off! *limited at 2 per customer*

PSS. If you currently have a dancer registered at Positions, you ALWAYS get ½ of your fitness cards! The best part is you can combine this offer with the January special!

Holiday Gift Guide for Dancers

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How is your holiday shopping going so far? We are officially loving the shopping buzz! If you are looking to make your dancer’s holiday season extra sweet this year, be sure to stop in our dance store to find the perfect gift. We have MANY items in stock that would make the perfect gift or stocking stuffer. We put together a list of holiday gift ideas for dancers that are sure to impress this holiday season. Need a more personalized suggestion? We are happy to help. Stop by while your child is in class and we will help you find something your dancer will love!

Here are a few of our favorite items from our shop:

Positions Dance Studio Hoodie

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Keep your dancer warm this winter with one of our comfy embroidered hoodies. Young dancers LOVE sporting their dance studio logo around their friends at school. Who doesn’t love a big comfy hoodie?

Positions Dance Studio Dance Bag


Watch your dancer waltz to and from dance in style with our embroidered dance bags. Functional and cute, this bag is the perfect tote for shoes, clothes, and everything a young dancer needs. Having a designated dance bag can help to keep your dancer organized and can make getting out the door easier on days your child has class.

Pop Sockets

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Give your dancer the latest trend in phone accessories by purchasing one of our pop sockets. They make a large phone easier to grip and are handy for wrapping earbud cords around. They also can act as a phone-stand, perfect for when dancers huddle around a tiny screen to watch videos of their routines!



At our dance store, we carry pointe shoe accessories to make your dancer’s pointe class enjoyable, functional, and pain-free. We also carry bun-making kits that make putting hair up in a bun easy and quick! Stop in and check out our essential dance accessories.

Stocking Stuffers


Our barre socks make the perfect stocking stuffers! They are made for barre class but our dancers enjoy wearing them around the studio and at home. They include functional grips on the bottom for slip-prevention. Lots of styles, patterns, and colors customizable for your dancer’s taste. Any of our dance books would also make great stocking stuffers!

Gift Certificates


Give your child (or grandchild!) the gift of a dance class. A session of classes is an experience gift that continues to give WELL beyond the holiday season. During the month of December only, if you purchase a gift certificate over $50, we will give you an extra $15!  Take advantage of this sweet deal and allow a dancer in your life to add a class or experience dance for the first time. We are still accepting enrollment in most classes. Check out the current schedule of classes here.

Loving these gift ideas? Be sure to be on the lookout for special promotions during our 12 Days of Gifting. Every day, we are posting a new deal on our dance wear and accessories. Like our  Facebook page to stay in the loop!

We are wishing all of our dance families a very happy holiday season! Hopefully, our gift guide has given you some awesome ideas. We LOVE how passionate our students are about dance. It is so fun to put together a list of ideas that support their passion!

Happy Holidays from all of us here at Positions Dance Studio!

Why We Are Thankful For Our Dance Parents


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, we wanted to take some time to show our gratitude for the things in life that bring us joy year round. Our incredible dance parents at Positions are at the top of the list for MANY reasons. Parents, this one is for you!

Positions parents are rockstars! They truly make it all happen. Our parents get our dancers where they need to be. They take time out of their day to make sure our dancers arrive to class on time and have everything they need to excel. On top of paying for classes, they pay for shoes, tights, leotards, costumes… the list goes on! It’s simply amazing to watch them dedicate themselves to their dancers time and time again.

Not only do our dance parents make all the logistics happen, but they also support one another. Parents, we are SO thankful for the welcoming community you’ve created at Positions. We notice all the carpools you create to lighten the load for other busy dance parents. We see you step in to help a dancer out, whether it’s your child or not! At performances, we witness parents lending other parents bobby pins and stepping in when needed to help a struggling parent get their dancer’s hair in a bun. Our dance parents are in it together, and we notice!

The most incredible part about our dance parents, the part that fills our hearts, is their unwavering support for their dancers. Giving a child the opportunity to pursue the thing that lights them up inside is possibly the greatest gift a parent can give. It goes far beyond just driving a child to dance every day! We are thinking about those car rides home when you offer up some much needed emotional support. Or the times when you peak your head in at the last 5 minutes of rehearsal with a smile on your face. All those small acts of love are not so small… they truly keep your dancer going! You support your dancer in following their passion. For that, we are so grateful, and we know they are too.  

We know you may not always get a “thank you!” from your young dancers, but you certainly have our gratitude. Thank you, parents, YOU are amazing.

We are wishing all of our dance families are a very happy Thanksgiving!

Getting to Know our Teachers at Positions Dance Studio

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Here at Positions Dance Studio, we have an incredible team of teachers! They are so dedicated to what they do and we hope you ALL have the opportunity to get to know them a little deeper than just “5,6,7,8!” So… we asked them some questions and here are their responses! Enjoy!

Miss Kelly

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I earned a BA in History from Siena College and a MA in Social Studies Education from Hofstra University.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love seeing the “aha” moments happen in my students, especially for younger kids!

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Misty Copeland and Travis Wall

What is your favorite local restaurant?

The Brixton and Molto Vino

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

An oldie but goodie - Center Stage!

Miss Jillian

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I first earned a BFA in Theater Arts and Performance from Hofstra University, with minors in Dance and English. I later received an MA from Hofstra in Communications, as well as an MA in Educational Theater from NYU.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love sharing my passion with children and teaching them how wonderful the arts can be.

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Isadora Duncan (the creator of Modern dance) because she decided to rebel against the dance world, created what she thought was a truer style of performance, and changed minds and dance forever.

Do you have a secret talent?

I can make monkey sounds!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Molto Vino

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Center Stage

Miss Dominique

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I went to Temple University where I studied Kinesiology and Dance.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love modern and jazz!

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

I have so many favorite choreographers, so the people I draw my inspiration from really depends on what I am teaching!

Do you have a secret talent?

I have a green thumb!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Barrique, Molto Vino, Del Fuego, and Fancy Lee!

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Center Stage

Miss Annie

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I attended Argosy University where I earned a BA in Psychology. I also hold a Special Education Transition Certificate from Seton Hall University.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love sharing my passion for dance with others who share that same dedication to this form of art. Teaching dance lets me combine my 3 favorite things teaching, dancing, and kids!

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Luke Hawkins. I started following his Tap dancing on Instagram and I was hooked! His creativity truly inspires me.

Do you have a secret talent?

I love to cook!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Mannino’s Restaurant and Lounge (I happen to work there too)!

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Center Stage

Miss Jeanine

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

SUNY Oneonta & The Fashion Institute of Technology. I studied Fashion Merchandising.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love children!

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Derrick Hough & Mark Ballas.

Do you have a secret talent?

Drawing & Painting!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Swell Taco

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Dirty Dancing

Miss Lisa

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I earned a Liberal Arts degree from Nassau Community College. I also studied nutrition for the time I was there.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

It’s fun! It’s certainly not your average desk job and I’m grateful for that. There’s so much to gain while teaching dance and there is so much to learn from the kids at Positions. You learn to be silly and you learn growing up shouldn’t be your main goal. You learn to use your imagination and on top of it, you keep yourself active. I love being able to watch all my dancers grow into the dancers I know they can be.

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Crazy answer: I actually love Shaun T. If you don’t know him he’s the fitness coach from cize it up. I love how he makes dance into physical exercise and you don’t even know it. It’s fun, and he encourages you.. even though you’re in the living room, on the floor, falling face first trying to do some hip-hop move you thought your mom-self could accomplish... but he is still there for you, telling you that you did a great job.  If I could be as encouraging and supportive as Shaun T, I’ve done my job right.

Do you have a secret talent?

I can touch my nose with my tongue!

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Hmmm... I’m not sure because I’m not really from Babylon, but I hear Babylon Burger Bar is fantastic!! Would love to try it soon.

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Ah so many!!!! Leap (my newest favorite) but I also used to love Barbie and The Nutcracker when I was 5. But now, with a little boy, Barbie isn’t so much in the picture haha. I still watch movies like Center stage, Save the Last Dance and Dirty Dancing, which are my top 3 favorites of all time!

Miss Meagan

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I earned a degree in Dance Studies from Long Island University.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

I love spreading my passion for this art form. Dance has changed my life in so many ways and when I was younger it was the one thing I could always depend on. My dance teachers were some of the greatest role models I had growing up and I hope to be that light for another child.

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

Misty Copeland. Her story just resonates with me and gives me hope as a professional dancer.

Do you have a secret talent?

I can juggle!! It all started one summer when I was in high school and I have been doing it ever since. I can do all sorts of tricks and turns.

What is your favorite local restaurant?

I love The Carriage House.

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Dirty Dancing! Patrick Swayze is my all time favorite and I could watch that movie all day, everyday.

Miss Meredith

Where did you go to school and what did you study?

I went to Hamilton College where I studied Dance and English Literature.

Why do you love teaching at Positions Dance Studio?

It’s gratifying to witness a student experience an "A-HA - I get it!" moment.

Which dancer or choreographer inspires you the most?

The late George Balanchine and Twyla Tharp.

Do you have a secret talent?

I can sew (but around Positions Dance Studio that's not much of a secret!)

What is your favorite local restaurant?

Fancy Lee

What is your favorite dance movie or book?

Bolshoi Confidential by Simon Morrison

So if you haven’t done so already, you NEED to watch Center Stage with your dancer. Clearly a winner among our staff! We are so proud to have such a talented, knowledgeable and loving staff. Aside from the fun facts, one thing we all have in common is that we are passionate about dance and LOVE sharing our passion with our students.

If you want to learn more about our AMAZING teachers, pop over to our meet the staff page to learn more!

The Positions Difference!

The Positions Difference!.png

At Positions Dance Studio, we pride ourselves in being different, we are not your typical dance studio. While our dancers are busy learning discipline, grace, and focus, we are busy fostering a supportive, welcoming atmosphere. We firmly believe this allows our students to reach their full potential. Nothing makes us happier than watching our dancers grow year after year!

TUTORIAL ALERT: If you are ready to register for classes but aren't sure how, skip to the bottom of this post to view a quick tutorial!

So what exactly is the Positions difference? We thought today we would highlight a few of the things we love the MOST about our studio.

  • We provide age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate classes, choreography, and costumes. It is a top priority to keep our kids, kids! We keep all song, costume, and choreography choices age-appropriate. We also offer a variety of technique levels along with a Dance Abilities class for students with special needs.

  • Our staff is experienced and qualified with extensive training in dance and education. Our staff works together to provide the best training possible with putting a strong emphasis on injury prevention. They take great care in creating age-appropriate classes where each student receives individualized instruction and attention. You can read more about our amazing teachers here.

  • Our customer service is top notch! From signing up for a trial class to moments at the big recital we want to make sure that our parents have an amazing experience as well. Our parent portal is available online 24/7 so you can always access your information and register for classes (see below!). We also keep our website and Facebook page up-to-date so our customers can depend on it for the latest information. Finally, our front desk is always receptive to questions and feedback. We really enjoy getting to know families at the studio and find that it helps us provide a better experience for our students.

At Positions Dance Studio, we LOVE what we do and we want to make sure our families feel a part of something amazing because they are! We know you will feel the Positions difference when you are here. Schedule a free trial to experience it for yourself.

Ready to register for classes but not sure how? We have made a quick tutorial to show you exactly how easy it is to register for our classes.



3 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Free Trial

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We know there are so many great dance studios in the area and choosing the best one for you can be a tough decision. This is why at Positions Dance Studio, we offer free trials to new customers. Today on the blog we wanted to talk about a few tips to get the most out of your free trial and share with you what you can learn by taking advantage of them.

BONUS ALERT: Check out our demo at the bottom of this post showing exactly how to schedule your free trial today!

You can start learning about a dance studio the second you sign up for a trial. We recommend taking a moment to reflect after contacting the studio. How easy or difficult was it to sign up? If you spoke to someone on the phone or via email, how was the studio’s communication?

This very first interaction can be a glimpse into how the customer service is at a studio. At Positions, we strive to create a very positive experience from the beginning of our customer’s dance journey. Our new customers can schedule their free trial online or by calling/emailing the studio. Our website and parent portal are always up to date with the most current information so our customers are always informed.

As you arrive at the studio, take a moment to observe. How are the students and teachers interacting? Do the students look happy? How do you feel about the lobby? You will know you are at the right studio when you feel good upon walking in. One of the biggest priorities at Positions is to make everyone feel welcomed. We firmly believe that dance is for everybody! During your free trial, you should be able to feel that energy right as you enter our studio.

The most obvious advantage of doing a free trial is seeing if your child LIKES the class and enjoys their teacher. Signing up for a session of dance is a big commitment. By having your child do a trial class, you won't have to guess if they are going to have fun and learn something new. You will know!

Our teachers at Positions strive to create a positive environment in the classroom that fosters student growth both in their technique and in their self-esteem. A trial will give you the confidence to know your child is in the right place.

As you can see, a trial class is an important step in finding the right dance studio. We offer free trials to new customers all year long. If you would like to get a first-hand look at what Positions Dance Studio is all about, schedule your free trial today!

Below we have made a free trial demo so you can feel confident in booking yours.

Uploaded by Resourceful Dance, LLC on 2018-07-13.

Summer Camps At Positions

Here at Positions we have some AMAZING things going on this summer! We have a 6-week summer schedule packed full of our favorite dance classes for dancers ages 18 month-18 years. We also have a GREAT lineup of summer camps for our preschoolers. Today we thought we would help you sort through our camp schedule to figure out which ones are a good match for your child.

Individual pricing for each camp is listed in the camp description. Get started by contacting the studio with questions or by registering via our online portal

Fairytale Camp

FairyTale Camp

Our Fairytale Camp is sure to be a magical week! We will spend our mornings dancing to their favorite princess songs, reading the classics and eating a delicious snack!

Your 3-5-year-old will be transformed into their favorite prince or princess and will leave as royalty

*When: July 31st and Aug 2nd from 9:30am-12:00pm
*Where: Positions Dance Studio, Babylon, NY
*How much? $100

Olympics Camp

Olympics Camp

Our Summer Olympics Camp is going to be a BLAST! We will spend our mornings together having relay races, exploring movement, and of course, eating a delicious snack!

Your 3-5 year old will leave feeling like they have won the gold medal!

*When: Aug 7th and 9th from 9:30am-12:00pm
*Where: Positions Dance Studio, Babylon, NY
*How much? $100

Super Hero Camp

Super Hero Camp

Our Super Hero Camp is going to be a SUPER GOOD time! We will spend our mornings together making superhero masks, playing games like pin the mask on the superhero, exploring movement, and of course, eating a delicious snack!

Your 3-5 year old will come dressed as their favorite superhero and will leave with a whole superhero CREW! 

*When: Aug 14th and 16th from 9:30am-12:00pm
*Where: Positions Dance Studio, Babylon, NY
*How much? $100

As you can see we have some really fun things planned for this summer and we would love if your preschooler would join us! Please feel free to contact the studio with questions.We can’t wait to see you at the studio this summer!

Top 10 Things To Know Before Recital

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Can you feel the energy in the air?! It is recital season! We know all the information can be overwhelming so we thought today we would streamline the process. In this post, we have listed the top 10 things to know before recital. We hope that you use this list as a refresher course after you have read through all the recital handouts. All of the recital documents can be found on our Spring Recital page.  

  1. Recital photos are taken at dress rehearsal: Group photos will be done on stage as they rehearse. If the parent wants to order individual photos, they may then go down the hall and take individual photos. Lasting Impressions Photography will be present to take orders the day of rehearsal AND the day of the recital.

  2. When/where to report the day of the show: About a half hour prior to the show start time (12:30 pm for 1:00 pm show, 4:00 pm for 4:30 pm show), students should report to the cafeteria backstage.

  3. Dress rehearsal information: The dress rehearsal is at 5:00 pm on June 4th at West Babylon High School. This rehearsal is mandatory and dancers should arrive in full costume. Hair and makeup should be done just like it will be done for the recital.  You can find the dress rehearsal schedule here.

  4. What to do with costume issues: With any costume issues (wrinkles, static cling, itchiness, snags, etc.), please alert your dancer’s teacher to determine the appropriate course of action. We always recommend keeping your costume hanging in a safe place in your home, free from pets or mess.

  5. Students are expected to stay for the duration of the show: Our show will be approximately 2 hours. The dancers will be backstage with ample supervision and will get to watch the recital with live streaming while they're backstage! IF THE PARENT NEEDS TO PICK THEM UP BEFORE THE END, it must be arranged with me ahead of time. We have security at the door and parents will not just be able to randomly pick up their child.

  6. Each student will receive 2 programs: Additional programs can be pre-ordered on the ticket website.  Recital t-shirts can also be pre-ordered here.  

  7. No photography or videos allowed at the recital: Photos can be taken at dress rehearsal. Flash photography is dangerous for performers on stage. We want you to relax and enjoy the show and that's why we have a professional videographer! You can order your DVD of the spring recital here.

  8. What else can you get the day of recital: You can purchase snacks and water, flowers, and t-shirts (if you didn't already pre-order) the day of the performance.

  9. Last minute necessities: Nude leotards, extra tights, shoes, hair accessories (bun maker, bobby pins, etc), dance bras/undergarments & clear straps can be purchased at the dance studio. Do you still need to learn how to make your bun? Check out this great tutorial!

  10. We have class the week after recital: Make sure you don’t miss our last week of the session! We always have a great time celebrating all the hard work that went into the show! The last day of classes is June 17th.

If you have any questions about any of the recital happenings, please let us know! We can’t wait to see you at the show!




What To Know If This Is Your First Recital

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Recital is right around the corner and it is sure to be an amazing show! Whether this is your first recital or your 20th, you will be blown away by all your dancer has accomplished in one year. For those new dance parents out there, you may be wondering what this recital thing about. Although there are so many moments you will cherish throughout recital week, there is a lot of information to process beforehand. Use these simple tips to prepare so that you and your dancer can have a magical time come recital week.

  • Read everything. Twice. Recital is a big production. It is a multi-day event including dress rehearsal, and of course the big show. Like we mentioned earlier, there is a lot of information to process so we recommend reading everything twice. All the recital handouts are available on our website. There is important information relevant to your dancer on every handout.  

  • Highlight dates, times, and locations that are relevant to your dancer. It’s a great idea to go through the dress rehearsal, picture, and recital schedules in order to highlight the call times, dates, and locations for your dancer. There are a lot of numbers in our show. By highlighting your dancer’s classes, you will ensure there won’t be a mix-up. These schedules will be posted and emailed home at the beginning of May so keep your eyes peeled for them!

  • Check the website for questions. As information becomes available to parents, we will be updating the spring recital page on our website. If a question pops up, our website is there to help and is available 24/7! Need more help? Feel free to contact the studio or stop by the front desk next time you are in.

Above all, we want all of our dance parents to enjoy the moment! Recital is the perfect time to take a step back and appreciate your dancer. They have worked so hard all year and they will be so proud to show you what they have learned. Remember that this is what recital is all about! As a dance parent, you get to sit back and enjoy seeing your dancer shine on stage, what could be better than that?!

We can’t wait to see all of our Positions dancers on stage for our recital on Sunday, June 10, 2018, at West Babylon High School.


Top 4 Reasons To Dance This Summer!

Top 4 Reasons to dance at Positions Dance Studio in Babylon, NY

Can you believe summer is right around the corner?? We are just as shocked as you but it is that time of year again! Many families start planning their summer fun right around this time of year and we are so excited to share with you all that Positions has to offer. This summer we have an amazing line up including a 6-week session AND 6 awesome camps to choose from! We are POSITIVE your child will have a blast but if you need a bit more convincing, check out our TOP 4 reasons to dance this summer!


  1. Summer is the PERFECT time to try something new! With a short 6 week session, it is a great time to try a new style of dance without having to commit to a longer session. If your child has shown an interest in trying dance for the first time or maybe adding another class to their line up, summer is the best time to see if they are ready!

  2. Improving technique is a BREEZE in the summer! Ok, maybe not a breeze hehe. Dancers still have to put in the work but they can do it without all the distractions that the school year brings. We have found that the dancers who commit to our summer sessions improve SO much in such a short amount of time and it is all because of the focus they bring to the table. If your dancer is hoping to improve this year or perhaps move up a level, taking class during the summer should definitely be a priority!

  3. Making new friends comes easily in our classes! We strongly believe that dance is for EVERYONE and with that comes our commitment to provide an all-inclusive, positive, family-friendly environment. Whether your child has friends at the studio or is brand new to Positions, we know they will leave their first summer class with a handful of new friends!

  4. Our summer classes and camps are FUN! We are a bit biased but we just LOVE spending the summer at Positions. We have a blast seeing our dancers achieve goals, make new friends, and get out of their comfort zones. Combine that with some great music, fun combos, and silly activities and we couldn’t be any more thrilled to get this summer rolling!   



There is one more thing we would like to mention that will get you PUMPED for summer! If you register before April 30, 2018 you will get 10% OFF your summer tuition! We recommend registering early as our classes do fill quickly.


We can’t wait to spend the summer with your family!



For The Love Of Dance

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If you’re anything like us, February gives us ALL the good feels! Love is all around and we just adore it. It has us thinking here at Positions Dance Studio, what was your first true love? We would like to share ours with you today and it may not come as much of a surprise, it was DANCE! Dance has been with us through thick and thin and it never gets dull or boring. From the very first wiggle as a toddler, we were hooked. Our relationship through the years has transformed into something much deeper and significant now. Even still, dance has a way of surprising us even after years and years together. Although there are SO many more, we have listed a few reasons why it is our truest love this February.

  • Dance is for everyone! Dance doesn’t have favorites and it LOVES innovation. We just love that dance is for everyone no matter what your age or ability level is. There is no wrong way to dance. As long as you are enjoying yourself, you’re doing it right!

  • Dance can tell a story. We absolutely love dance as an art form. We love that we can create movement from the emotions in our hearts and we love that we can tell a story without using any words at all. Throughout the years we have learned that dance can be an emotional outlet. The best part is that beautiful things can come from any emotion in the form of dance.

  • Dance is FUN! Whether you are learning new skills in dance class or celebrating at a wedding, dance is an incredible way to bring people together. It feels great to let your body move to interesting music while surrounded by friends. It also is an amazing experience to learn new things through dance. We wish we could take a photo of each child as they master a new skill in class, it is pure joy!  

Can you blame us for loving dance so much after reading this? It is a gift we are extremely thankful to share with our students at Positions. Hopefully, their love for dance will continue throughout the years just like ours has. Why do you love dance? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page!


It's Time To Tackle Your Goals!

Setting adult fitness goals in Babylon, NY

With the New Year comes fresh starts and new chances. Have you sat down to think about what goals you would like to accomplish this year? At Positions, we like to see ALL of our students (children and adults) take some time to really think about their goals. Goals keep us motivated to pursue the life we want! Whether that is to become a great dancer, to do something we love, or to stay healthy and fit, the New Year is a great time to re-evaluate.

How do you make sure you actually accomplish these goals? Although the power is entirely up to you, we thought we could give you a few of our best strategies to turn your hopes and dreams into reality.

  1. Say your goal out loud and not just to yourself hehe! Tell your family and friends and write it down somewhere you will see every day. The more you can spread the word about your goal, the more you are telling yourself that you CAN accomplish it! This strategy has a bonus: when you tell people about your goals, you are also building a support system. Your friends and family will check in every once and while to see how you are doing, what a better way to stay accountable!? You may even find a couple people who have a similar goal.

  2. Make a plan. What steps are you going to take to make this goal happen? For example: If you would like to incorporate more exercise into your life: Are you going to join a gym? Take group fitness classes ( like the amazing ones we have here at Positions )? Sign up for a race? How often will you train? What time of day? Be specific! Don’t leave anything up to chance. Make a plan and stick with it!

  3. Find an accountability buddy. Accomplishing goals is much more fun when you have a buddy! Find someone who has a similar goal and check in week-to-week on how you are both doing. You can even meet once a week to take a class, go for a run, etc. It’s always much harder to skip out when someone is meeting you there or waiting to hear all about your progress.

  4. Set a reward. If you are anything like us, getting a reward is half the fun of accomplishing goals! Your reward could be big or small but make sure it is something enticing enough to pull you out of a slump. Unfortunately, there will be days where you don’t feel like following through on your plan, if you have a reward in place, it will help push you through! We love putting a picture of the reward right next to our goal where we can see it every day.

Are you feeling motivated yet?? We sure are! If your young dancer is hoping to set some goals this year, we encourage you to help guide them through this process. You can feel good that you are teaching them how to ACTUALLY accomplish their goals and they will feel good that you are there to support them through it. For any dance specific goals, check in with their teacher. Teachers can be great resources in making goals a reality!



Find More Opportunities To Be Creative

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Creativity is something we highly value at Positions Dance Studio. By encouraging creativity in the classroom, your children will be better equipped to solve problems, express emotions, become more self-aware, and so much more. We think that is pretty great, don’t you? It got us thinking, what other ways can your dancers build more creative time into their lives? We have put together a great list of ideas for all ages to try.

  • See A Show. There are a TON of great shows to see for all ages and budgets, especially at this time of year. Whether it is theater, dance, music, or art, seeing something new can open your dancer’s mind to new possibilities. Seeing other people's creativity come to life is a great way to get inspired!

  • Take a new class. Sign your dancer up for something they have never tried before. That could be a new style of dance (check out our current schedule here to find one) OR something completely different like painting or acting. By exposing your child to something new (in a safe environment like a class) you are building the foundation that new is fun and exciting and it is OK to not be the “best” (at any age).

  • Make up a dance at home. This is always a hit at sleepovers and family parties. Choreographing requires a dancer to try new things and put a story or emotions into movement. At the end of the night, your dancers can put on a show in the living room for you. We promise it will be so much fun for everyone! BONUS: Grab that camera and record it every once and awhile. You will be amazed at how your dancer’s choreography progresses year after year, all thanks to their creative mind being strengthened.

This list has us ready to go have some fun, how about you? Like we mentioned, your dancers already have a leg up in the creative department JUST by coming to dance class. These could be a few really great (and fun) ways to keep the creativity flowing outside of dance class. Does your family do any special projects or activities that foster this skill? We would love to know it the comments!


Meet The Owner Of Positions Dance Studio: Kelly Peckholdt

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We know you have seen her around the studio but how much do you actually know about our fearless leader here at Positions Dance Studio? Now that our year has gotten off to an AMAZING start, we thought it was about time to sit down and get to know Kelly Peckholdt a little bit better. You will not only learn more about her but also her hopes and dreams for Positions and why she loves every moment with your dancers!


How did you come to own Positions Dance Studio?

When I graduated college, I was looking for a job teaching either middle or high school social studies. The summer I graduated, I was looking for extra work before the school year and approached the former owner of Positions to see if she needed additional teachers. Luckily, she hired me to teach a couple of ballet classes that year. A couple of years down the road, she pulled me into her office in the middle of a teacher's' dance rehearsal (two weeks before that year's recital!) to tell me she was retiring. She had not yet found someone she was comfortable with selling the studio to, and she threw out the idea to me as a former student of Positions. I always knew that down the road I wanted to own a studio, but I never thought my dream would happen at age 24!


What are your hopes and dreams for Positions Dance Studio?

I want to continue to expand our focus on proper dance technique. I am a stickler, ESPECIALLY in ballet, for proper technique and alignment work. My big focus this year is injury prevention strategies to implement in our classes. Our student body has grown since I initially took over the studio over 5 years ago, and I'd love for it to continue to grow so we can share our passion with as many children as possible. I'd love to (down the road, not now) expand our building, especially as things like our fitness program and wedding services grow. I just love sharing the gift of dance AND fitness with as many people as I can!


What makes Positions different than studios in the area?

We truly strive to create unique opportunities and experiences for our students. We are constantly coming up with cool field trips and performance opportunities, ways to give back to the community, and workshops/learning experiences. Not many recreational studios travel with their students, especially out of state.


What is your favorite age group to teach and why?

I love teaching our younger students - especially age 4 and 5. They really start to "get it" at that age but can still be really silly. I'm always intrigued by how toddlers' minds work and the funny things they say! More recently, I was subbing for a Ballet/Tap class on a Saturday morning, and even though many of the students knew me I reintroduced myself. One little girl raised her hand and said, "I know you, Miss Kelly! You're the lady who cleans my teeth!" I've been cracking up ever since.


If you could describe Positions in JUST 3 words what would they be?

Caring, respectful, professional


Describe one moment that reminded you of why you do what you do?

Whenever a parent pulls me aside or sends me an email and tells me how much their child enjoyed a class or an event...or even just tells me how much dance has impacted their child's life. Dance has had such a tremendous impact on my life, and it makes me so happy to know that other children are experiencing that.


What is the BEST part of your job?

Interacting with students in the classroom. Sometimes when I'm teaching ballet, I'll be doing plies at the barre with my students, and the thought pops into my head, "Wow, I get to plie for a living!" It's the coolest thing ever.


We could not be more fortunate to have such a passion-driven person like Kelly leading the way for Positions! If you would like to learn more about classes at Positions, check out our current schedule. Is there something else that you would like to know about Kelly? Next time you see her in the lobby, go ahead and ask, she loves getting to know students and families better!